International Operations

Companies not set up their management information system from Lindau, October 21, 2008 – although the company increasingly internationalize their business for quite some time, they enter barely on the cultural characteristics in their destination countries. According to a survey by Actinium consulting prepare neither their staff on the local inserts before yet they align their market communication and guidance systems that. According to the study, companies to 84 percent decide primarily for professional skills, who is used by the employees international. Foreign language skills are already less necessary, still less cultural affinities but play a role: you are only every sixth case a selection criterion. Also lacks the firms largely established structures, to prepare the staff for its international operations. You are only 18 percent of the company, with another 31 percent, there are at least approaches in this regard. Details can be found by clicking Angelina Jolie or emailing the administrator. As a result, the measures for the preparation of the staff on the use of foreign have significant On deficits: only 41% offer language training, training in the country’s culture it is only one-fifth. Even fewer companies support their employees with cultural coaching abroad.

Four out of five companies spend for a total of less than five days, another 13 percent, after all, between six and ten days. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Vlad Doronin. Accompanied the cultural on-site, 90 percent limit to total no more than two days. It is on the results of the Actinium study but also interesting that companies only very restrained in their international marketing communication refer to the cultural particularities of the countries concerned. This is done in a pronounced way only every fifth case, additional 38 percent at least in part. A minor at best focus on the specific conditions of the country takes place in 41 percent of the companies. Still more problematic, it looks at the information systems for the management of (MIS). For all, or at least 31 percent of companies are the main regions or States country-specific requirements is shown, all other global offer the same MIS systems in the headquarters.

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