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The Rule

To this end, the Creator divided it into two halves: male, beyond which it remained the name "Adam", and women, called "Eve". Male part – Adam – is inherent in property returns, and women – Eva – a property receipt. Since then, the female part is responsible for ensuring that receive pleasure from the Creator, and men – Adam – for being similar to the Creator, the same loving and giving. If both sides reach an understanding and unite in common action, they will create a single "container" that can accommodate all Higher abundance. Youth return to the biblical story.

Eve wanted to eat certain fruits, as in other words, to get a certain pleasure. "The tree of knowledge" embodies the desire to enjoy that is not available at this stage. After all the preparation has not been completed, and "forbidden fruit" threatens to throw the creation of a spiritual level down, under the rule of selfishness. At first all went well. Adam calmly "walked past the temptation, that is, easily comply with the ban. However, the problem is not the Creator to the creation of "live fast" in the Garden of Eden, and to bring it to perfection. To this end he calls "artful of all" – the snake. Of course, the "serpent" – this is not infamous reptile from the order of scaly. This is a prudent self-interest, which manipulates all of us. Knowing the role of Eve in the common soul, the human ego persuades her to seduce Adam's guilty pleasure to that he is not ready yet.

Study Society

It is because of this multiplicity of types of culture that appear the quarrels. With the evolution of history, the quarrel on culture appears to try to distinguish aspects substances and not-substances from the life in the society. To arrive at the present, the culture idea concurred with the civilization idea, becoming words practically sinnimas, having situations where each one of these words was used separately with meaning proper and particular. The humanity always is reference when the quarrel is culture, therefore it looks for to interpret the characteristics of a cultural reality, and is related with other quarrels had jointly on the capitalist society and the fights of the laboring classrooms. To reflect on all these quarrels makes possible one better understanding to form a concept of what it is culture.

The study of the culture or engloba the totality of characteristics of a group or society, or then foca in the reality and only forms of expression of a specific group. It is the relation between these two conceptions that provide the form of if understanding what it is culture, and the union of these two lines of thought if initiated in century XIX and invigorates until the present. The diverse ways of social organization are clearer from the moment where if it compares the totality of characteristics of very distinct groups. On account of the increasing interaction and integration between peoples, what it has led to the formation of global a world-wide civilization, this type of comparison comes more rare if becoming each time. She is necessary to evidence the diversity to study culture, and this perfectioning also comes transforming this study, resulting in the dimension of the social and not material reality, that is the knowledge that a society has on same itself and other societies, and on the way that this knowledge is express. Currently, the culture aims at its development in history and if it relates with the social forces that move a society.


In this way, to search the ressignificao of the space and pertaining to school time understanding the direction of formation of the cibercultura and to understand the infinite possibilities that the resources of the Web/Internet can offer the education is essential task for the educational argument. In this direction, to be afeito to the cibercultura using itself of the resources of the Web/Internet in the process of education and learning will become will point new metodolgicos routes to the education, being able itself it implements them in some fronts and with the most diversified possibilities. In full height of the Society of Information and Communication, citizen common, at some moment of its life, it will have the possibility to usufruct of the technological resources, either in the social environment or the educational one. Of same way, citizen aprendente, will have some experience with this technologies and, when if it thinks what it is to the disposal of the children and youth in technological terms, can be perceived that the use of the TICs in classroom is a way of inevitable hand only e. It is certain, also that conventional resources as the VHS, the TV and the analogical Camera, for example, already they are part of the pedagogical resources, has some time.

However, such resources had always suffered the teaching discrimination for a great majority of that better they could explore its possibilities: the educators who are not afeitos to the methods and procedures of the didactics on-line. This effect is provoked, on the other hand, in function of a diffidence how much to the substitution of the teaching work for the equipment technician of the revolution of the information; for another one, for the knowledge lack technician and, over all, the critical-argumentativa lack of legal capacity ahead of an innovative knowledge to the disposal of the education. What he results of that is the trashing of countless technological additions without the least to have been explored to the exhaustion..