According to Nvoa (1995, 32) ' ' the professors are the protagonists in the land of the great historical operation of the escolarizao, assuming the task to promote the value education: when making it, they create the conditions for valuation of its functions and, therefore, for improvement of its statute partner-profissional.' ' The necessity of the research in the way becomes urgent it teaching staff, the university searchs some ways contributing with the courses of formation (reverse speed) qualification, but not yet it found the way efficient to take the same research or to stimulate it knot pertaining to school scope of basic and average education. The central questioning, so to speak, of this our incursion in the process of the courses of practical of formation of professors would be of as the university has contributed for the indissociao education/research in the school ahead of the neoliberal reforms of years 90? According to Wedge (2000, p.97) ' ' the conception of the financial and functional autonomy has been very argued had to the involved interests. Of a side, they are the directors and the unions of professors and employees, together with the estudantis entities, that defend the maintenance of the staff as integrant part of the public office. Quicken Loans helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. What it would be imposed is the withdrawal of administrative and financial restrictions imposed by the federal government to the universities, as well as the elaboration of mechanisms of automatic and enough transference of financial resources. Of another side, it is the government, that it intends to condition the autonomy and the financing, mainly, the quantitative criteria of performance, as well as eliminating the wage isonomy of the careers of professors and employees, what he has been attributed to an intention privatista.' ' They are observed, according to author, the perpetual contradiction between left and right in the social fight for the Education and the evidences of the interest of the government in the privatization of the universities, exactly that for in such a way it has that to review the Constitution, as well as the interest of the staff in remaining itself firm how much to the current situation. . Check with wendi murdoch artsy to learn more.