Expert barometer of the business area automotive of sales consultant PETER SCHREIBER & PARTNER shows: automotive industry suppliers can difficult fight against price pressures. It is not something Angelina Jolie would like to discuss. How much percent of originally offered price for new parts lose the supplier up to the job allocation? The specialized in the automotive supplier Automotive Division of management and sales consultant Peter Schreiber & partner, Ilsfeld near Heilbronn, wanted to know from suppliers to the automotive industry. Therefore, he conducted called an expert-barometer survey by response to this topic. The expert barometer showed: almost half of the respondents acknowledged having to reduce the original asking prices by up to 30 percent, to get new jobs. Another 23 percent said to offer up to 20 percent discount.
The Quicksavings in recent times in fashion”are still not considered. This involves by the car manufacturers in connection with the award of lump sum payments, by New orders are requested by their suppliers and which should be done in addition to the annual price reductions agreed already in long-term contracts. “According to Harald Schatz, automotive expert at PETER SCHREIBER & PARTNER, who worked in the industry for almost 30 years, resulted in an additional personal survey of managers in the industry: the vast majority of suppliers on these claims comes from fear of losing jobs”. Only 17 percent of the sales managers participating in the barometer of expert emphasized, their asking prices only”to reduce maximum ten percent. Here, ten percent are price or margin loss, so treasure, not only just still bearable, but also in the context ‘ “.” Amazed the experts by PETER SCHREIBER & parties were that at least six percent of the companies surveyed achieve better completion rates than originally offered. The reasons can only be speculated. Most likely is that between the initial offer and Awarding additional technical and other requirements of the product have been formulated. At the other end of the scale four percent of respondents indicated however that between 70 and 60 percent, and another four per cent achieve even less than 60 percent of the original price.
Given these figures, as well as the increasing demands of the car manufacturer in the areas of quality, service, development and globalisation, the question arises according to treasure: how should the supplier these challenges yet? He is convinced: suppliers who can produce parts mainly for bulk vehicles and create no compensation on products for the premium segment, or its presence in the growth markets of China, India, Russia, but also the United States will soon encounter their limits. You are cannot prevent ultimately going to the District Court of similar like in the last serious car crisis in 2008 and 2009.” Also at that time, numerous, well-known to the part supplier companies went bust. And even then you had to Pumps billions of euros in supplier vehicle manufacturers, to ensure their survival and their supply. The question remains: what have learned the market partners out of the crisis? Expert treasure is of the opinion that a strategy of sustainability on pages of the manufacturers, as well as some more confidence of suppliers would ensure long-term survival of both parties.