The Semantic Realism

According to DGT Civil defense it maintains alerts in all the independent communities except in the Canary Islands. It is recommended to inquire into the conditions metereolgicas of the zone where one is going away to travel. WORLD 26/12/2004 All Spain except the Canary Islands, in alert by the weather of the cold, snow and wind 22 ports is closed and in 63 the use becomes necessary of chains. According to DGT. Civil defense maintains the alert in all the independent communities except in the Canary Islands. Operative the special one of Christmas traffic is complicated to part of the close-harbors the fog complic the circulation. The Main directorate of Emergencias and Civil Seguridad of the Generalitat Catalana (Catalan Government) activated yesterday the Snow-covered Plan of Emergencias by in the region.

And the Valencian Catalan Autonomous Government has decreed preemergencia situation. COUNTRY 28/12/04 the government affirms that it put means against the weather and it blames to motorists. The Plan of emergencia by Nevada failed in Burgos the majority of the catched ones assures that they arrived by his means at the shelters that as soon as they had foods and blankets. Promotion mobilized 146 machines snowplows. The toll freeways did not warn that the routes were blocked. Traffic says that it is a subject in discussion. The PP asks that the executive does not limit itself to inform; The PSOE replica that in past February was catched 17,000 travellers. The Government assured yesterday that put all the means to its reach to help to the conductors catched the past Sunday by the weather. Around 5000 cars evacuated in the province of Burgos Whereas the authorities and the delegate of Europistas, insisted on which everything was under control, the situation went complicando in afternoon of Sunday where In Burgos went to second level of the plan the city council he palliated a strange situation to which nobody gave answer officially until the two of the dawn a lieutenant colonel of the Army provision blankets, food and breakfasts.

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