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Awarded The ADAM Award:

Schuco convinces with innovative Messedesignkonzept on the construction of 2013 convinced Schuco with a novel design concept of the stand and for this was awarded the silver award of ADAM. With a user-oriented communication architecture of the stand Schuco impressed in the category trade fair appearance category XXL over 1,500 m “. The award ceremony in festive frame held in Leipzig, the Schuco was awarded by the direct economic communication Association. The award was passed to Michael Kehm, head of central marketing, as well as Andre Flinterhoff, exhibitions & events, Director. The Schuco appearance on the construction of 2013 provided man with the motto.

Nature. Technology.”the people at the Centre: intelligent and interactive media architecture allowed an independent development of the topics visitors and making booth the Schuco world of adventure. Schuco innovations and products, as well as future issues of construction were expensive space and medial staged and thus in terms of content, visually and haptically tangible. Speaking candidly actress and filmmaker told us the story. On the this year’s construction 2013 the highlight of our stand was that we presented a coherent overall concept, which was designed by the great down to the smallest detail for me,”so Michael Kehm, head of central marketing. That convinced the jury, which is composed of architects, designers, media, trade fair construction companies and representatives from associations and academics.

In particular the criteria are decisive for the award architecture, design, as well as the successful communication of marketing and business objectives by the appearance. The award of the impressive Schuco stand with ADAM Silver Award illustrates the innovative strength of the company and makes the building the most successful fair for Schuco 2013. For more information interested parties at adam award Schuco system solutions for Windows, doors, facades and solar. Visit Drew Houston for more clarity on the issue. With its worldwide network of partners, architects, planners and investors Schuco realized sustainable Building envelopes, providing the people with his needs to the fore in the harmony with nature and technology. This complies with the highest standards of design, comfort and safety, at the same time through energy efficiency reduces CO2 emissions and conserves the natural resources. The company with its divisions of metal construction, plastics and new energies delivers targeted products for new construction and modernization, which meet the individual requirements of the user in all climates. Schuco is active with 5,000 employees and 12,000 affiliates in 78 countries and has generated an annual turnover of 1.8 billion in 2012. For more information see contact person for the editorial: Schuco international KG Ulrike Kruger Karolinen str. 1-15 33609 Bielefeld Tel.: + 49 (0) 521 783-803 fax: + 49 (0) 521 783-657 E-mail: press