You would buy a house in a market where the prices fall, where exists uncertainty about the labor stability and the businesses, where the economy is being affected by deflation that can hit in the income? Sincerely it would not happen oneself to me to choose this moment to acquire a house. Definitively no. The Spanish real estate market on-is expanded, a situation that is of public knowledge but that is something that not yet includes Zapatero since it tries to construct with the bottoms that would save by the reform of the fiscality of the house, Houses of Proteccin Oficial (VPO). As unusual as the measures for the real estate sector it has been the announcement of the measures for the automotive sector. The government would grant direct aid by 2,000 million Euros, of which 500 million Euros would be contributed by the national government, other 500 million Euros by the independent communities and the 1,000 million remaining Euros by the automotive ones. The stranger of all this is that somebody forgot to warn to them the independent communities that will have to contribute money for this plan. And like the economic situation of Spain he is more than positive, the 420,000 government has I decide to acquire notebooks so that the students of primary count on their own computer. Like dessert india berry of all these announcements, Zapatero recognized that he tries to reach an ample social agreement, institutional and political on the priorities of the new Spanish productive model, when he throughout forgot the time that he takes passed the crisis, abrir to the official ears to the proposals of the different sectors from the economy and Spanish policy. What will make Zapatero when of account that the new plan of economic stimulus will not throw the predicted results? It will devise another plan more? By the doubts, we are thinking about a plan to remove to the Spanish economy from it jeopardize fiscal situation at which product from as erroneous policies as devoid of a deep elaboration arrived.
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The Management And His Integration In The Teams Work
A poor organizational structure makes good work impossible, no matter how good that people are. Peter Drucker overview management must be fully integrated with representing the team in a company. It must be always vigilant of this, not to neglect the human factor, that the team can provide much of the work of the organization is done on computer. There is indeed increasingly greater amount of organizations which, to face the challenges of today’s business environment are changing the old hierarchies and formal systems by the team and teamwork. Many organizations are discovering that the best road to which the employees are productive, in particular, is to pay attention to the way they manage groups and teams. According to Stoner J.
A computer is defined as two or more people who interact and influence each other, with the purpose of achieving a common goal. General information and basic considerations. Management should never act in its administrative management in isolation, without considering the scope and impact that is generated with the integration of computers. We know that organizations always have existed two types of equipment: the formal and the informal. However, today there are teams that have characteristics of both. Formal teams are created by managers, deliberately in order to let perform them tasks specific to serving you the Organization to achieve its goals. The most common are: control unit: composed of a Manager and employees who depend on the Manager.
Committee: it is a formal team of the Organization, generally of relatively durable existence, created to be responsible for specific tasks of the organization. Body for a task or a project kit: is a temporary team to attack a specific problem. Computers or informal groups arise provided that several people meet and interact on a regular basis. These groups develop inside the structure form of organization.