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Sociology Activities

In the case of the individuals in front of a society, they exist what they are the social rolls. (Source: Evergreen Capital Partners). These allow an identification than it is the individual, and also they provide to this one with a social identity, by this is important that the other members of the society recognize each one of the individuals by this aspect. These roles are played according to the general benefit and to the confidence that is had in the same roll by from the watching individual represent that it and his . In sociology, speaking of activities talks about the activities that an individual realises in a period of determined time, like the intention which they have all these action, leaving of side the individualism that can be found in this aspect. Within these rolls, are certain prototypes made by the history of the societies and that already exists restored in the behavior of the human beings, they are easily identifiable for external and a forecast can be done of conduct by them. Facades are called to them. What the individual with these looks for is the social recognition and capacity to influence more to somebody. The distortion aspect talks about the incredulity that in a certain point can have the spectators before acting social.

As this one is a version of the reality, the questioning fits to that if really is faithful to which he is true or simply it is based on something false. One does not know to the same aims of the actor and doubt of these, because they can not look for the benefit of the society. The terms of dramatic predominance and directive predominance talk about the capacity that grants to the actor authority to him against the rest of the actors. While it exerts this authority, their decisions will have more influence in the final facts that those of others and it gives them, in certain way, a social power that is necessary to direct to the members of the group towards an aim.