It is good to realize the effort that means getting money, therefore when it comes to spend what we must consider what has cost us, if really this expenditure which we are about to make worth. Please rate the money that passes through their hands, adopt the habits necessary to care for it and administer it intelligently, do work in his favor in investments for which has trained primarily in a responsible manner. Each ticket has the potential of larger quantities, each ticket that save and invest intelligently will mean for you larger amounts that will be born from this ticket is like a magnet that will attract more tickets is up to you what you do with each of them. Take care of every ticket that pass through their hands and invest them in the best way that they work for you to attract more tickets. Save and make your money work in continuous and intelligent way for you, collect it and then put it to work for you 24 hours a day throughout the year, that money depend on you and not vice versa. The key to prosperity It is not so much the amount of money, but in how it manages, in the way how puts work so that it produces alternative income, what’s really important is treatment that gives the money he gets and that way works for you. Must you probably know people who have big income despite which they manage to make ends meet without having anything more than show that you accounts payable and some tickets in the Pocket, to avoid this must then initially learn to manage wisely our money, that’s the first step and before you think of the amount of the same. If we have large revenues but our culture of money management is poor we will see how every month disappears from our hands and continuously.