Our Dreams

It is everything that I dreamed ' ' The heart of the man can make plans, but the certain reply of the lips &#039 comes Mr.; '. Pv 16:01 Today I woke up sufficiently scared! I must have had a strange dream. Some flashs and images pairavam on my pessamento, however I only remember Dgei (a cousin). She was one sixth, day 29 of May of 2009. I decided to visit it, and soon I bound for Dgei giving to it the message. Before it saisse of house, Dgei bound saying to me: – Kim! I have a plan for us. It comes fast, pis 16h00min we will go in them to find with two girls in one shopping my house next; disconnect! Penssei with me exactly: – When arriving at the house of Dgei, I will plan what to make! Arriving there, Dgei started to say me who age these girls.

It counted to me of the time that we find in them with them in a bus stop, then lebrei me of one, ' ' Dvila' ' to another girl however it had not seen. Dgei also spoke to me that this such girl friend of Dvila, had been interested in me. Good, it was what Dvila counted to it. Being thus I agreed to Dgei to going to see them in meeting. It will be important to resaltar to the reading friend my concern, then, I left well clearly for Dgei that if the friend of Dvila was not interesting, would even so go dexando them it are of my presence. We leave the house of Dgei to 16h00min as in the planned one. Ten minutes later already aguardva them to me in shopping the arrival of Dvila and its friend. They were costing, Dgei bound almost for Dvila that in five in five minutes. To each minute that if passed he was more and ancioso when thinking as she would be this girl friend of Dvila.

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