
1.3. Construction of tall buildings in areas of dangerous geological manifestations and man-made processes (karst-suffusion, landslides, active faults, etc.) may be exercised only on the basis of analysis of materials engineering and geological survey at the proposed construction site to conduct an expert evaluation of the geotechnical area and choosing the type of foundation with the participation of an expert advisory committee on the grounds of foundation and underground structures under the Government of Moscow, niiosp them. nm Gersevanov, Mosgorgeotrest, as well as institutes of ras corresponding profile. Under most conditions David Karp would agree. 1.4. All high-rise buildings, regardless of the complexity of geotechnical conditions encouraged to refer to the geotechnical category 3 (ie the category of the most complex systems mgsn 2.07).

1.5. When designing high-rise buildings relevant specialized organizations should be developed approved by the customer specifications, reflecting the specific design, construction and operation of the facility. Starting from the preparatory phase of construction is necessary to carry out geotechnical expertise developed documentation for the object, as provided in Rule 24 and the Rules 25. 1.5.1. In the preparatory phase of the facility should implement an expert evaluation of the geotechnical site construction and the potential danger to its surrounding urban areas and the geological environment (based on an analysis of archival materials Mosgorgeotrest and other organizations) and, if necessary, develop recommendations for adjusting the location of the object. 1.5.2. In preparing town planning justification is considered organizations listed in Rules 24 and the Rules 25, coordinated program of engineering researches for the development of pre-(urban), documentation, and conducted examination of the technical report on the engineering survey. 1.5.3.

Following the approval of urban studies: A and coordinated program of engineering research to develop a project assessing the impact of object under construction on surrounding buildings and the geological environment, compiled programs on monitoring and survey surrounding buildings. 1.5.4. In the process of project development: examination of reports by engineering survey and inspection of the surrounding buildings, consider and agree on a program to monitor construction; by examination of project documentation of technical solutions and project construction organization (PIC) bases, foundations and underground structures, fences excavation project for the period construction, and developed with appropriate projects to strengthen the engineering defense. 1.6. When engineering survey, design and construction of tall buildings for each building should be scientific and technical support from specialized scientific organizations and drawing up the rules of certain types of work and monitoring its implementation. 1.7. To ensure the safety of tall buildings recommended in the documentation to develop a special section on field observations for the main load-bearing structures, including foundations, footings and underground elements of the building for the period its construction and operation.

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