is in this direction that gains prominence in the heading a very happy expression of Chasin: when ' speaks in one; ' future ausente' ' , a devoid future of social projections that they aim at to surpass the effective societria order, that is, we live a time of as it affirmed Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1983), of ' ' verge, time of people cortada' ' , where the difficulty in apprehending ' ' occult mechanisms of the fetichizada appearance of the capitalist society ' ' , as well as the conformismo with the status quo they permeiam daily life, the inquiries and the proper production of knowledge, and makes jus here to relate specifically to the Social Service, that although to develop during its formation the investigativa capacity and to inside have prominence in the production of knowledge of Applied Social Sciences from the decade of 70 and 80, it brings in its interior unbelieving, fatalistas professional profiles, or simply paraphrasing Drumonnd: objective and subjective manifestation of ' ' people cortada' '. Therefore they do not see stops beyond the mediocre imediatismo of the daily life conducted by the appearance produced for the capital, or would be they the ones that they aim at to apprehend ' ' technique for tcnica' ' thinks that thus it will be possible to change the reality Moan to inform to them that they will not run away from the predestinate bureaucracy to the production and reproduction of the social poverty that the capital one in such a way yearns for and extends. Unhappyly, amongst our proper friends of profession, the idea of that is fed the projections of a future truily human they are predestinold to the failure; Penalty not to obtain to understand that all this spoliation human being where we are inserted and we live, is in name, simply, of the ditames of the great capital that dilaceram and destroy to the few the essential vestiges of humanity that they exist in the social individualities, that can and must be nourished by that they are made possible daily theoretician and metodologicamente to keep latent these candentes vestiges. .