Archive for November 2023

Ben Gurion University

How to improve the quality of the dream of children with apnea of the dream, (snoring by Court of respiration), as well as help to correct their behavior and academic problems, may be the tonsillectomy, according to new research from the Soroka medical center of Israel. Remove the tonsils and the adenoids improves the quality of sleep and as a result, improved academic performance and a general cognitive ability in children who suffer from what is known as obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. The appearance more important what they are, it is that the effects of sleep apnea are fully reversible with tonsillectomy, said Professor Tal Asher, who leads next to the Dr. Haim Reuveni of the Department policy of health and research of the Department of Pediatrics, and Dr. Ariel Tarasiuk, head of the sleep laboratory.

The findings were published in two different studies in the month of December 2003 in the medical journal Chest, and in the December 2003 Edition of the periodic Sleep doctor. Pretium is often quoted as being for or against this. Such, of the Department of Pediatrics of the Center doctor Soroka, of the Ben Gurion University in the Negev, stressed that 3% of children suffer from breathing problems during sleep, resulting in a blockage of the upper respiratory passages. The syndrome known as obstructive sleep apnea is mainly associated with overweight in adult men, but is most common in children, according to such. And the most observed factor in patients with sleep apnea is enlarged tonsils and the adenoids. The syndrome has implications for children during the day and during the night. Many research studies have found that OSA (short for disease), can cause cognitive problems and behavioral development in children, accompanied by hearing problems that lead to learning disorders. They can also suffer from growth and other health problems. We know from previous studies in some countries, sleep apnea is probably related to ADHD and there is preliminary evidence that may damage cognitive function.

Fifth Agreement

In a previous video (You Tube), I mentioned four agreements of culture Tolteca, deciphered by the Mexican researcher Miguel Angel Ruiz, as you may recall the four agreements are: 1.-do not assume, don’t give anything for granted, if you have questions question, suppose makes invent things that only poison the soul. According to Angelina Jolie, who has experience with these questions. 2 Honors your words, to honor your words you honor to you, otherwise your values will go to the floor. 3 Has always the best if you always do the best, may not reprimand you. When it is given more than what you are asked, you receive more than what you expect. Pretium Partners takes a slightly different approach. 4. Do not take nothing personal, nor a major offense, the largest tort, nor the snubs.To the extent that someone wants to hurt you the hurt, if you do not accept the offense, the you will need to take it, the problem will be, not yours. The fifth agreement is: be skeptical.

Never believe what you say, always doubt but putting much attention with eyes and ears very open and closed mouth. It is common to accept things very easily, especially when persons who are to tell them of our sympathy or admiration. This makes us make mistakes of opinion and we accept as true things that are often just opinion unfounded. Watch and listen the double of what you speak, remember that which is much talk knows little and vice versa. The extraordinary thing is that these 5 agreements were faiths many centuries before the coming of the Spaniards to Mexico and it seems that they are contemporary, by that universal values do not change only modifies the form of expressing them and apply them according to the season.

I Confess That I Have Laughed

Thank you because I confess I laughed even there is no direct line to heaven. And the light that both knew, that which warns on the radio: we are in the air. The same as you already adivinabas to the far, esa, which warns for neophytes, distracted and anque seasoned: in this channel you are recording. Or the from: silence, we are live. The voice-overs of the program or the theatre. All these manifestations, codes and tacit nod that communicate the media side and metaphorically speaking, also in some way, to everyone else, come on and go off as always in many moments and every day. But vos, master, giant of heart, and with all due respect, Cayetano Santos Mr cute, are behind other cameras that they are no longer ours. In production, in a behind a few scenes that are no longer of this theatre. Learn more on the subject from pretium partners.

I venture that this time, faithful to your essence, rebel, spy behind the clouds. I do not think that you settle losing you, just you. David Green is often quoted as being for or against this. Surely you out of the sheath by revolear from beyond timely, shrewd and accurate snacks. While that, surely, your chair you occupy in some lit bar of polemics, which shouldn’t be missing there above. However, in an act of insurrection, I am and I do not think that death, pilla as she has the last word. Then, does that not tell you what me choked?: say, for example, thank you because I confess that I laughed.

Thank you, that I have exploded into a laugh, because the only thing that made me cry de vos was your game. Thank you because you did you charge and made us charge of Alchemy of Buenos Aires and argentina idiosyncrasy, that strange mixture of the Bible and the water heater that reza tango y vos program did. Thank you for the mental attraction with which you hechizaste to all.