Archive for February 2017

Cistatina Cells

The cells of Sertoli go to present the form to colunar highly anti-symmetrical. However, translating the high degree of plasticity of the cells of Sertoli of if associating with the different types of germinativas cells, some changes of configuration in this standard can be observed, being the same ones probably had to the elaborated present system of citoesqueleto in the cells of Sertoli. The cells of Sertoli have the power of if associating the one others through located junctions of occlusion in the basal compartment of the seminfero epitlio. They are these junctions that go to compose morphologic base functionary of the barrier to hematotesticular. Functions of the cells of Sertoli the cell of Sertoli is one of the biggest examples of regionalizadas structural specializations that a simultaneous performance of great variety of functions possesss. Here, Yale Jackson Institute expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The cells of Sertoli if associate at least at the same time with four different types of germinativas cells.

With the basal membrane and other cells of Sertoli, with this the cells of Sertoli propitiate the necessary conditions for the progression and differentiation of the germinativas cells during espermatognese. Therefore beyond the classic function of physical support (sustentation) of the espermatognicas cells, the cells of Sertoli play diverse other important functions. Given the structural complexity of the seminfero epitlio, he has been complicated them researchers to determine which are the specific products secretados by the responsible cells of Sertoli and for the development of the germinativas cells. To put if showed in last decades that the cells of Sertoli produce and secretam great protein number, mainly glycoproteins. The glycoproteins that important and are secretadas by the cells of Sertoli can be classified in diverse categories, based in its properties known biochemists. The category will go to include metallic transporting proteins of ons and bioprotetoras such as transferrina and ceruloplasmina secretadas in relatively high amounts. The second protein classroom includes proteases and inhibitors of proteases, as we can cite as example the catepsina L and the cistatina, that are considered important for the cyclical process of tecidual remodelling that occurs during the espermiao and movement of young espermatcitos for the adluminal compartment.

Applied Social Sciences

is in this direction that gains prominence in the heading a very happy expression of Chasin: when &#039 speaks in one; ' future ausente' ' , a devoid future of social projections that they aim at to surpass the effective societria order, that is, we live a time of as it affirmed Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1983), of ' ' verge, time of people cortada' ' , where the difficulty in apprehending ' ' occult mechanisms of the fetichizada appearance of the capitalist society ' ' , as well as the conformismo with the status quo they permeiam daily life, the inquiries and the proper production of knowledge, and makes jus here to relate specifically to the Social Service, that although to develop during its formation the investigativa capacity and to inside have prominence in the production of knowledge of Applied Social Sciences from the decade of 70 and 80, it brings in its interior unbelieving, fatalistas professional profiles, or simply paraphrasing Drumonnd: objective and subjective manifestation of ' ' people cortada' '. Therefore they do not see stops beyond the mediocre imediatismo of the daily life conducted by the appearance produced for the capital, or would be they the ones that they aim at to apprehend ' ' technique for tcnica' ' thinks that thus it will be possible to change the reality Moan to inform to them that they will not run away from the predestinate bureaucracy to the production and reproduction of the social poverty that the capital one in such a way yearns for and extends. Unhappyly, amongst our proper friends of profession, the idea of that is fed the projections of a future truily human they are predestinold to the failure; Penalty not to obtain to understand that all this spoliation human being where we are inserted and we live, is in name, simply, of the ditames of the great capital that dilaceram and destroy to the few the essential vestiges of humanity that they exist in the social individualities, that can and must be nourished by that they are made possible daily theoretician and metodologicamente to keep latent these candentes vestiges. .

The Semantic Realism

According to DGT Civil defense it maintains alerts in all the independent communities except in the Canary Islands. It is recommended to inquire into the conditions metereolgicas of the zone where one is going away to travel. WORLD 26/12/2004 All Spain except the Canary Islands, in alert by the weather of the cold, snow and wind 22 ports is closed and in 63 the use becomes necessary of chains. According to DGT. Civil defense maintains the alert in all the independent communities except in the Canary Islands. Operative the special one of Christmas traffic is complicated to part of the close-harbors the fog complic the circulation. The Main directorate of Emergencias and Civil Seguridad of the Generalitat Catalana (Catalan Government) activated yesterday the Snow-covered Plan of Emergencias by in the region.

And the Valencian Catalan Autonomous Government has decreed preemergencia situation. COUNTRY 28/12/04 the government affirms that it put means against the weather and it blames to motorists. The Plan of emergencia by Nevada failed in Burgos the majority of the catched ones assures that they arrived by his means at the shelters that as soon as they had foods and blankets. Promotion mobilized 146 machines snowplows. The toll freeways did not warn that the routes were blocked. Traffic says that it is a subject in discussion. The PP asks that the executive does not limit itself to inform; The PSOE replica that in past February was catched 17,000 travellers. The Government assured yesterday that put all the means to its reach to help to the conductors catched the past Sunday by the weather. Around 5000 cars evacuated in the province of Burgos Whereas the authorities and the delegate of Europistas, insisted on which everything was under control, the situation went complicando in afternoon of Sunday where In Burgos went to second level of the plan the city council he palliated a strange situation to which nobody gave answer officially until the two of the dawn a lieutenant colonel of the Army provision blankets, food and breakfasts.

Conference Sustainability

“Date announcement for the 14th of November in Berlin, Leipzig, July 23, 2012 the Fraunhofer MOEZ is on November 14, 2012, together with the Agency of Congress and press a Conference on the topic of sustainability and energy efficiency in tourism” align. The event will take place in the representation of Baden-Wurttemberg in the Federal Government, Tiergarten str. 15, 10785 Berlin. It aims to show possibilities and opportunities which offer the tourism sustainable and energy-efficient actions and to promote the relevant exchange between all actors of the hospitality and tourism industry. The Conference will be opened by the Chairman of the Committee for tourism in the German Bundestag, Klaus Brahmig, MdB. Focus on the issues improvement of energy efficiency and resource consumption in hotels and restaurants, as well as the financing of energy efficiency projects in tourism by experienced speakers from theory and practice. Addressed and discussed but as ecological tourism, certification of bio hotels, and which are successful marketing of climate protection and sustainability.

The range of information the Conference is complemented by an accompanying exhibition. An improved energy balance and the burden on the environment are becoming increasingly important sales arguments that by travellers are required and accepted and can gain a strategic competitive advantage. You can find more information, as well as the possibility to register see: participation after registration is subject to a charge. The Fraunhofer Center for Central and Eastern Europe MOEZ has proven skills in the area of innovation and technology management, strategy development and research marketing and develops scientifically-based, holistic potential analysis on the conception and implementation of the concrete project and business models and network activities through knowledge and technology transfer. Currently about 40 full time employees of the Fraunhofer MOEZ edit projects in the framework of the 7th research framework programme of the European Union, projects including the Federal Ministry for education and research, the Federal Ministry for environment, nature conservation and nuclear safety, the German Federal Foundation environment, projects for companies, in particular small and medium-sized firms, etc.

The Fraunhofer MOEZ is an Institute of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. Research for practice is the central task of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. The research organization established in 1949, operates application-oriented research for the benefit of the economy and to the benefit of society. Contract partners and clients are industrial and service companies and the public sector. The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft operates more than 80 research institutions, of which 60 institutions in Germany. More than 20 000 employees and staff, predominantly with natural or engineering and scientific education, edit the annual research budget of 1.8 billion euros. Contact: Fraunhofer MOEZ, Nicola Bren d’amour Neumarkt 9-19, 04109 Leipzig phone + 49 341 231039-126

Corrosion Protection Of Steel-Past And Present

Losing weight and thickness of zinc coating per year of service to the magazine 'Professional Painting', the protection of steel LvovANTIKORROZIONNAYa-Past and Present History of man's struggle with iron oxide, which is called at home rust, is measured by thousands of years. It is not known when and who first smelted from iron ore found near a volcano or a piece of black metal. Most likely, it was Chinese, since Chinese civilization is considered the most old. Could it be the Egyptians and Babylonians, but it is safe to say that in the hands of this man held a cast iron (iron with high carbon content). It was he who first saw and rust – the result of endless oxidation process. In nature there are no deposits of iron and steel, because sooner or later they turn into rust.

No matter how sad to realize, but all the rust and metal products. Since time immemorial, rusted dishes and Jewelry savages, barbarians, horseshoes and arrows, shields and swords of the Crusaders, the Spanish conquistadors in the shells of South America, chests and pirate swords Cossacks. The only way to protect against corrosion of these rather expensive in those days things were animal fat. But the "fat" as the saying goes, "all is not enough," and after the arrival of capitalism and its wars, tanks, railways, planes and cruisers problem of protection of steel surfaces has become particularly urgent. In the rust started to turn billions of currency units. Recently, a well-known National Association of Corrosion Specialist in the U.S. (NACE), reported that each year due to corrosion Western European country is losing about 4% of GNP.

For a small country like the UK is about 30 million or 49 million euros. According to the (1997) Central Research Institute of Structural Materials (CRI CM) Rosii "Prometheus" (St. Petersburg) vSShA these losses exceed $ 100 billion a year.