And the old debt Bunny Wolfgang Rademacher time his students thanks to its countless practical tips no shortage. Is the author not tired to emphasize that this postponement attainable by all sorts of gimmicks makes sense has to be used: to raising new funds. And to move to the creditor, to mothball the leg of enforcement and to agree a final, amicable agreement that mutually acceptable. Instead of them in sorrow sink, Wolfgang Rademacher helps debtors rather out of trouble he gives you resources to pull themselves by their own bootstraps out of the swamp. That’s not just debtors. Because light considered, has much more of a believer living debtor as from an economic body brings him this post – and foresight but still a lot of money on. In a language that is easily understood and with many anecdotes from the true Life is lightened, Wolfgang Rademacher shows exactly what a debtor at any given time must do to pull itself out of the mess.
The goal is always to win time and to come to a reasonable compromise with the creditors. This enormous practicality is what makes this book an indispensable companion – whether you must now fight their way as CEO from the debt trap, or as a family man. A CD-ROM accompanies the book, on which the debtor finds numerous sample letters, digitized brochures and other documents. These free tools will make him in his fight for money and valuable services. Author Wolfgang Rademacher book 32 x 22 cm, large-format DIN A4, hardcover, 271 pages with CD-ROM contact: the book available through bookshops or on the Internet at rettung_in_der_zwangsvollstreckung.php.
Wolfgang Rademacher lives in Selm (Westphalia). He has over far as a non-fiction author and personal advisers in the field of smart debt Germany’s borders made a name. Under its own power, he made a mountain of debt in millions of dollars from the world years ago, without losing significant quality of life. He gives the unique experiences he made here today readily to beleaguered debtors. He met also the countless pitfalls in these numerous discussions, which are laid out in this country around the House finance and foreclosure – and clever strategies, how to detect them and bypasses. Wolfgang Rademacher Eichendorffstrasse 27 59379 Selm phone 02592-981887 fax 02592-981889 E-Mail: