Also looking at lightning speed through the hochperformance eBay API for auctions. The memory functions for search terms and auctions, which it remains small and open and thus is an alternative to the slow and confusing search directly on the eBay pages are missing however. BayCalculator is an auction fee calculator for eBay. With a few clicks of the mouse, he reliably gives information about listing fee and Sales Commission. As an Encore, he determined the cheapest shipping method after specifying the weight and bulk. Everyone can use the tools on the places 2 through 5 of the top ten tools for power users and anyone, because they help in the daily work at the computer. The most popular, Aborange Scheduler runs quietly in the background and can any programs at defined points in time (E.g.
computer startup, shutdown Windows, daily, weekly etc.) perform. You can ensure, for example, that data backups or virus scanning not forget go. Close the list searcher, a software with which you can search files easily and quickly follows from Orange. File name, size, modification date, but also the contents of the file function as search criteria. AnotherUnzipper fourth, a very small, simple archiver for ZIP archives is a classic. Daydisplayr is a smart tool from Orange: it displays in the Windows taskbar a small calendar icon with the current day of the month.
Never again you must position your mouse over the clock to display the day of the week as a short help. Is rounded off the list at # 10 the Aborange Lotto master, freed from the burden of the compulsive Lottery gamblers, every week imagine 6 new numbers to 😉 Data security increasingly important in times of viruses and Trojans becoming increasingly important software is tools to backup. Not surprising, that the encryption software Aborange Crypter 5th and the password generator KeyProducer 6th show. The Aborange Crypter can encrypts files and emails using Secure AES encryption comfortably from prying eyes. The tool offers also a secure deletion of files. The KeyProducer produces highly secure random password and password lists at your fingertips for all occasions where you need passwords.