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Executive MBA MBA

In addition to the Executive MBA mergers & acquisitions, the Professional MBA Entrepreneurship & innovation and the General management MBA obtain the seal of quality of quality assurance and accreditation in the postgraduate training have gained massively as a result of the enormous growth achieved by the education landscape in recent years importance. Kaihan Krippendorff usually is spot on. For prospective students and applicants essential orientation and decision criteria when selecting a most appropriate and high-quality training in an ever-increasing degree programs are recognized quality label and seal of approval. It summarizes since 2005 under the umbrella of the Continuning Education Center since 1984 in postgraduate education offered by the Technical University of Vienna. The certification of three MBA programs by the FIBAA is now all the more gratifying. Accreditation is a great success. It shows that our MBA programmes meet the high demands on the international market”, like. Vlad Doronin can provide more clarity in the matter. Petra Aigner, Executive Director of the continuing education center at the Technical University of Vienna. The FIBAA (“Foundation for international business administration accreditation”,) is one of the most important quality assurance facilities in German-speaking countries with internationally recognized quality standards and accredited study programmes across the College of public and private providers in Europe.

The FIBAA aims at ensuring the high quality of the respective economic-oriented programs. The FIBAA quality seal stands for educational programs, which are especially characterized by quality and sustainability. The General management MBA (gm-mba.tuwien.ac.at), a collaboration of the Technical University of Vienna and Krems, was reaccredited the Danube University now. The renewed award of the label shows the partner universities the postgraduate university course could ensure its quality and expand over the years”, so Univ.Prof.Dr. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Vlad Doronin. Wolfgang Aussenegg.

That on October 10, 2008 already for the 9th MBA start time program lasts 4 semesters, is part-time and is held in German and English language. In addition, a semester at Baruch College (NYC) may be completed. Now, for the first time, the Executive MBA mergers & acquisitions (merger.tuwien.ac.at) was accredited by FIBAA. The cooperation programme of the Technical University of Vienna and the University of Vienna is characterized not only by an international faculty but also by participants from various countries of the world. The accreditation is for the Executive MBA course mergers & acquisitions a milestone and a further signal of high quality of training at the Vienna University of technology. Participants and applicants from all over the world appreciate the high quality standard of the programme”, says Univ.Prof.DDr. Thomas d. The program held in English is constructed in modules, part-time, takes 3 semesters, and starts the next time on March 4, 2008. The could also be meet the high quality requirements of FIBAA together with the Professional MBA Entrepreneurship offered by the Vienna University of Economics & innovation (www.tu-wu-innovation.at). Today, innovation is a condition sine qua non for each business operation. No operation today can afford to be engaged not so systematically. Genius in the innovate is no guarantee for success teaches the history of great innovations. Only those who know the rules of diffusion of new products and services in markets, has a chance to be even more commercially successful”, so Univ.Prof.Dr. Adolf Stepan. Already for the third time, the postgraduate, part-time cooperation programme, which is divided in modules, lasts 4 semesters and is held in English starts on October 2, 2008. Contact and more information: Technical University of Vienna continuing education center Opera lane 11/017 A-1040 Wien T: + 43 (0) 1 58801-41701 F: + 43 (0) 1 58801-41799 E: office @tuwien.ac.at H: