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The Characteristics

And, on the other hand, we can generate purposeful relationships that will help us reinforce what many mentors called coopetition. More strategic alliances will develop relationships with quality and warmth, as they must be the content on our website. So let us evaluate our capabilities and not fall into the dynamics of imitate (it is not the same model, by the way), we find our own style, we project what we really are. Once we delimitemos our vocation, we proceed to the strategic stage of our business that is defining exactly our vision on our website. Remember that this will be our map. That will allow us to design strategies and tactics in a more specific manner and we will (whenever necessary), with his feet on the ground, which prevents us disperse us in our development. A common example of this dispersion is be looking information, navigate, read emails, and not come to nothing. Time is lost and the virtual business sense.

We must recognize that we all need to educate us and inspire us. And for this purpose they are mentors. They help us to decrease our learning curve, us updated on what is happening on the Internet and reinforce our faith that we can earn money on the Internet. But the valuable content that we provide and our vision are based on us. Come a time that really say that we are experts in something when our personal development so manifest. Once we know our mission and vision on the page, it will be easy to delimit our niche market.

It allows us to define the characteristics of our product. Service and our product, as I said, are quality and warmth if we are consistent with what I said earlier. Let’s take our mind and listen to our heart. Let us be steadfast, patient and persistent. We act with full humility and honesty, define our I virtual. All this us It shall be different. We do not allow that our desire to earn quick money make us fall into the syndrome of private imitative. The purpose of this article is to make a call to your conscience, your commitment to your success; taking into account that this is a process of continuity. You’ll overcoming every day, your quality of life will be transformed. This is like the process of falling in love: it has its stages and is unhurried. The money you get for this noble business is part of the infinity of benefits you get. You must be very careful. Do not allow, for example, that by the fervent desire to earn money desvirtues your image. The business is a process in spiral and your home occurs when you start to discover what you are capable of giving to others. I am in that process, I leave everything to flow, of course, I do not forget that there is a planning in business and in the particular case of the Internet, in addition a methodology. My goal here was that we should take into account this wonderful premise.