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Do you know many of Taganrog? Taganrog – a small picturesque town on the Azov Sea coast. Everybody knows it. Young people immediately recall the Comedy Club, and someone, maybe even the song of a time machine. Unfortunately, more often this city is presented with a fairly ugly side. And many of you know about the amazing story of Taganrog, about the fact that at one time he had the reputation of the region's largest industrial and cultural center of Russia? About what Taganrog is not only connected with Chekhov and by Peter I, and Alexander I, Paustovsky, Tchaikovsky, Pushkin and many others. And many of you know that in Taganrog is one of the revered places for the orthodox people? But about all in order. Firstly, the amazing architecture of Taganrog. It is very diverse in style and in wealth.

There are palaces (Alferaki, Alexander I), mansions, and along with it – the old fishing district Bugudoniya. Built the building in mainly come from Mediterranean countries. Therefore, a variety of styles. And most interesting is that all the buildings are preserved in almost original form. Second, the monuments. Everyone knows that there are monuments in Taganrog, Chekhov, Pushkin, Peter I. But how many know that the statue of Peter I – one of the finest monuments in the world? Peter was standing there with his shoulders straightened proudly, elegantly leaning on his cane and staring at the sea horizon. Third, the stone staircase – the famous staircase in the south of Russia.