Some Uses Of Pine

The Sumerians used the pine resin to cure the sick and some tribes of Indians burned pine needles to purify themselves with the smoke. In Japan, the pine is symbol of faithfulness in marriage. It is also important to point out that the Romans used this tree for its medicinal virtues. Edward Bach used the flowers of pine as a remedy for people who feel guilty of everything and everyone, even up to his life being born is a continuous suffering because they always live among criticisms, therefore depleting their forces. One of the species of this tree is the pine. Its inner bark was used in the Northern Europe to make foods, such as bread.

I was made especially in times when food was scarce, periods of war, postwar not only used the bark, but also its root. On the other hand, the pine bark is also used for the creation of furniture, that decorate the majority of our homes, because its wood is very resistant and of good quality. This arboltiene other use, which is essential to leave a good aroma in our homes and cars, so that it softens the atmosphere and leaves aside the bad smell. Today, pine has numerous medicinal properties, because conctiene near 40 antibacterial principles, this form is used for numerous diseases of the respiratory system and helps to reduce the mucus that is found in our body. Its leaves and buds reduces pain in joints and minor injuries.

Popular tradition says that it can relieve rheumatism using cushions stuffed with pine needles. Turpentine oil can be used against colds and used in vapors fights inflammations of the respiratory tract. Pine and its extracts are also used to treat skin diseases, lung and urinary tract. Original author and source of the article

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