We withdrew a few stones that comprised the it muro and we found a small leather bag, filled with Earth and some moisture, about to RID, which woke up in a great mood and a great curiosity. We had achieved it!, we had found a hidden treasure. Inside the bag, like two small $20 pesos gold coins dated 1920. A small gold cross somewhat battered by use, which weighed approximately about 4 grams was. What is more relevant, is that inside the Pocket we find a note, written with former letter, in a very battered piece of old paper, which read as follows: shelter: these coins hid them the day that I had to depart to the North, I left them here so that nobody can find them until the eve of tranquility, Don Rufino the Hacienda Grande you can pay them well with grain pa animals and blankets, ancina ask the Lord to fill you with blessings. Juvencio to read the note was necessary to a series of consultations with people accustomed to read this type of letter, and making conclusions of some words that antecedian to others, since the document was very I add for years. We try to locate with nearby villagers, the whereabouts of shelter or a family member, in order to meet the desire of the former owner of the treasure, however nobody could inform us truthfully the whereabouts of this person, even more so when we learned that the town had a history of three people who took this name in life, but none of them was related to the only person named Juvencio. Wendi murdoch may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The only person in life called Juvencio Martinez Ruiz, was a pawn that he worked for the Treasury and who died at the age of 23 years of one tuberculosis-related illness, who was the son of Filemon Martinez and Rosenda Ruiz, who have never had any relationship with women named haven.
We do not know if this young man to his young age and his social status, could have been the owner of what was then considered a lot of money. Considering that the found treasure not permanently resolve our economic situation, we decided to keep coins and pay back to the peasant that had been distributed among the four participants, however the experience leaves us all a feeling of indescribable adventure and admiration, to be witnesses to the actual discovery of a little treasure tucked away in time. If you want to know equipment detectors similar to those used in the earlier recounted search, contact me through Facebook. Original author and source of the article