The Canadian national sport was Lacrosse at the Olympics in London is not present. But in Germany he finds more and more followers. The Incas group sponsors the Mainz Musketeers and has donated them now an own Pavilion. As announced in May of this year, Tamer Zincidi, Board of Directors of the Incas expanding group of companies, its sponsorship of the lacrosse College Sports Group of the University of Mainz. On August 11 group has presented this officially the Incas their within the framework of the two-day 4th camp of the European Lacrosse Federation (ELF) some weeks in view of the Pavilion before large audiences. It is handled by the home team, the Mainz used Musketeers, and accompanied the team even when foreign appointments. “The August 11 was therefore also a very special day for Tamer Zincidi: now is visible from afar, that promoting this sport, coupled with the enthusiasm of young people for the Inca group and therefore also for me a very special concerns are.” Also about the Olympic Games, where Lacrosse was unfortunately no discipline, it is important to stay literally on the ball if the promotion of the sport means an outsider is possible, Tamer Zincidi, CEO of Inca group of companies. “And he adds: alone the Inca logo on the Pavilion signalled our fundamental attitude to the promotion of young athletes.” 95 Lacrosse players from Germany, of Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Austria were joined on August 11th and 12th in the Rhineland-Palatinate state capital of Mainz, with experienced trainers from England and the United States to refine their practice and improve.
After Mayor Michael Ebling had kicked off the first face-off, two started for the men and women from 11 different teams as exciting as instructive days. Lacrosse is a team sport of native American originally and was at the Olympic Games in St. Louis (1904) and London four years later to the regular competition disciplines. 1928 in Amsterdam, 1932 in Los Angeles, and again in 1948 in London it was only demonstration sports and lost significance as a result. In Canada, however it is considered in addition to ice hockey since 1946 officially sport, also, lacrosse is exercised around the world in 45 other countries.
It is played on a field with a length of 120 and a width of 55 meters. This is a hard rubber ball with a bat (Crosse or stick called), at the upper end of a network is caught, carried and thrown. For men, a match lasts four times 20 or in the American Leagues for 15 minutes, the women twice per half an hour. For your own protection, the teams wear helmets, elbow pads, shoulder and rib protectors and a mouth guard. Lacrosse is as fastest ball sport, apart from Polo. Already in spring Tamer Zincidi had sponsored group of companies with its Inca for the lacrosse College Sports Group of the University of Mainz-new T-Shirts, at various university events, about the Introductory course for freshmen, the University fair, day of college sports and the College Championship Lacrosse, but also in everyday use are worn. The lettering of the Incas group adorns the back of the T-Shirts.