AllNet Surf Flat – At A Fixed Price And Make Phone Calls

Calls for a flat rate to fixed and mobile networks, as well as browse the Internet when the Internet connection at home the most common method of billing are flat rates today. Also calls to German landlines are increasingly provided at a fixed price in invoice. For customers, the flat-rate billing method means in particular costing accuracy regarding the telephone costs. The monthly price is always the same no matter how much is on the phone. AllNet flat flat rates costs previously not covered by the fixed price, are calls in all German mobile phone networks, international calls, as well as value-added services.

For international calls additional options can be the most DSL and fixed network providers book, which also targets outside of Germany at the flat rate can be called. The cost of calls to all German mobile networks can be capped by booking an all net flat. These are offered now by different mobile operators and discount stores and are already available at prices under 30 euros per month. Particularly favourable All net flat rates are above all about the German mobile network O2 (Telefonica Germany GmbH & co. OHG) offered by.

Tariffs in the Vodafone D2 or Telecom D1 mobile network there are among other things at 1 & 1 or congstar regular monthly prices starting at less than 40 euro. You decide which provider and tariff should not only by the price, but also by the quality of the mobile radio network most preceded use location or subject of contracts as the minimum period. Offers only partly including Internet flat rate at all AllNet flat rate offers already fee are included in calls to all national mobile networks. If also a mobile Internet flat rate to the surf included with the phone is, depends on the respective provider or tariff. In most cases, the maximum speed offered mobile UMTS flatrates is up to 7200 kilobits per second (KBit/s 7200). This is however not unlimited set available. Common are monthly up to a bandwidth of up to 7.2 MBit / s transferred data volume of 200 to 500 megabytes. Then the provider reduce the transmission speed for the rest of the month usually on 64 KBit / s. Who only occasionally mobile would like to surf with the mobile phone or Smartphone on the Internet, can flat without Internet flat-rate billing use also an AllNet and if necessary book an additional day flat. It is possible, for example, on the congstar full flat. By default it surfing here at a price of 24 cents per MB. If required the option can be at any time book congstar surf day flat. For 99 cents per day of use to surf per day flat rate with up to 7200 KBit / s on the Internet. The throttling of the transmission speed is starting a monthly data volume of 200 megabytes. Already in the basic fee an SMS Flatrate for all networks is also only at some party. Also everyone should decide for themselves, whether under circumstances which in addition worth booking an appropriate SMS option. Common price comparisons on the Internet to help find the right offer.

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